Click on the links to learn more about each service!


How to Consign Video Tutorials

We have 10 short videos to show you what supplies you need, how to apply barcode labels, how to prep miscellaneous item, and how to enter items using Voice Entry. Click the link above to view on YouTube! (These videos can also be found on the Rhea Lana's app!)

Refer a Friend

Want to get your Consignor fee waived or earn a higher commission?! Refer friends to Consign with us! Refer 1 friend ~ We will WAIVE $9.50 Consignor Fee for you on Refer 2 friends ~ You will receive an additional 5% of your sales (a total of 65%) Refer 3 friends ~ You will receive an additional 10% of your sales (a total of 70%)

Acceptable Items

Click for an overview of items we are accepting as well as item limits

Important Consignor Dates

Click to view all of the important dates such as Consignor deadline, Check-in days, shopping times and pick up and payday!

Consignor Check In-Friday, Saturday, Sunday April 4-6

We are excited to offer you scheduled times to check in your wonderful merchandise! Pick your favorite time to bring your items to Consignor Check- April 4-6 (Please note - this is NOT Drop & Go. This is regular consignor drop off.) Please arrive on time to be able to secure your spot! You are welcome to pick up your barcode labels early at one of our Early Barcode Label Pick Up Days, have us mail them to you, or print them at home. Then label your items at home for a faster check-in experience! Although we prefer you to put your labels on at home to minimize the amount of time inside the store, you can put them on in store.

Consignor DROP & GO Check In- Thursday, April 3rd 12pm-7pm

You will simply drop off your items (that are already entered with tags/stickers attached) then we will put them out on the floor for you!! Pick your favorite time to drop off your items on Thursday, April 3rd.To participate in this service, ALL items must be pre-labeled and Marked to Half Price and DONATE.

Become A VIP Consignor-Wenatchee Locals

Our VIP Consignors make 40% on their items and earn a pass to shop early at the event. After completing this form a VIP Consignor is paired with a VIP Processor. The VIP Processor tags the items, enters them, and transports them to the event.

Become A VIP Consignor-Moses Lake Locals