Drop off Days are by appointment only. Click on the sign up in the Consignor links tab to secure your spot.
Ticket Price $45. Admits yourself and one guest and includes your ticket for the half price Launch shopping time. Must show pass at the door
Ticket Price $35. Admits yourself and one guest. and includes your ticket for the half price Platinum shopping time. Must show pass at the door
Free for consignor's. Must show pass at the door
Ticket price $15. Admits yourself and one guest. and includes your ticket for the half price Silver shopping time. Must show pass at the door.
Free for Military/Teachers/Healthcare Heroes . Must show pass/ID at the door
Visit our event page to Register through eventbrite. Must show pass at the door
Open to the public. Bring a friend!
Must Bring Guest Pass! (Mom's to be can also attend at this time.)
Open to the Public! Most items will be half price.
We will have 2 drop off days Friday 4/18 and Saturday 4/19 @ 9am-11am Consignors Checks are ready for pick up.